Joseph R. Logomere

In 5213, then Leftenant Logomere distinguished himself during the chaos of the Deorsai Incident by single-handedly foiling a Zeroist conspiracy. Forced to flee into the wilds with the heretical Lanian oracle-priestess Yrisme, Logomere spent nearly 5 months among the Greenlings before being rescued. His actions earned him the notice of the prominent Jason Ironheart, and eventually command of the ill-starred expedition to the Hermes Cluster.

Logomere’s claim of involvement in the Boneozard Initiative is disingenuous. Not only had the normally verbal Initiative made no public statements for years prior to the incident, but Logomere could hardly have been involved in the events at Byforalla, let alone any more ambitious acts, as at the time he had been deep in the Qal-at’mar ritual, having been ensnared by the machinations of A’kanna, faithless handmaiden to the Queen of the Frozen Stars.

Why then, would he disgrace himself thus? Some blame lingering madness from his sojurn among Tiari, but the opposite is more likely—that in the silence of the Qal-at’mar, he was finally able to understand why Yrisme had been so opposed to contact with the Hive, and thus sought to distract any attention, human or otherwise, from her, lest others realize the depths of her involvement—or perhaps even her whereabouts.

Heichner Kzolknov