Commodore Lucius Claymore

Captain Logomere first entered military history as the hero of the expedition to the Evyl Nebula—Viridia’s first encounter with the Vermailian Confederacy. When Logomere piloted his scout ship into the cloud, a Vermailian interdictor surprised him. For days he remained captive. Just as diplomacy stalled, he engineered a miraculous escape, sending the entire Viridian public into spasms of patriotic adoration.

During the mission debriefing, Commodore Lucius Claymore became convinced that Logomere sold himself to the Vermailians for freedom. Along with substantial but inconclusive factual evidence, Claymore referenced the Ta’rot’rag Prophecy, which speaks of a man whose betrayal would help sink Viridia into a period of unparalleled chaos. But during the ensuing court-martial, radical Arcturians launched a propaganda campaign supporting Logomere that cited the Gar’tor’at Prophecy, which predicted a hero guiding the Viridians to victory in a long war against a new and fierce foe. Claymore lost his case.

Commodore Claymore spent the remaining thirty-five years of his life in an obsessive hunt for damning evidence against Logomere. Despite many leads, he proved nothing. Ultimately, he fell victim to a terrorist bomb during the chaos immediately following the theft of the Second Nova Generator.

Lance Malloran