
Arcturianism was the dominant religion of the human population of the galaxy for almost three and a half millennia, up until the destruction of the Third Nova Generator. Although there were several different branches of Arcturianism, the similarities far outweighed the differences.

The religion itself began shortly after Arcturia emerged from Bkmma, bearing the Gar’tor’at Prophecy, an extremely detailed future history of the next five thousand years, and with no memory of her origins. The Prophecy included both major galactic events, as well as seemingly insignificant events, such as win/loss records of minor-league rocketball teams. Followers often used gambling to spread the religion, betting their faith against that of their prospective convert. The typical wager was along the lines of: if the outcome was false, the Arcturian would renounce his faith forever, but if it was true, the other gambler must convert.

Most religions prior to this time required their followers to have faith in that which could not be proven or demonstrated, whereas Arcturians offered proof. By the time of the destruction of the Third Nova Generator, nearly 90% of the human populations considered themselves Arcturian. This all came to a very rapid end, with the unpredicted destruction of the generator. As the Gar’tor’at Prophecy ceased to be reliable, Arcturianism began to lose followers, who resurrected older religions, or founded new ones. Although Arcturianism has survived to this day (the most recent census of 7850 s.y.v.p. reports 1% of the known human population self-identify as some branch of Arcturian), the focus of most practitioners is on appeasing their gods, following their gods’ commandments, and generally “living a good life”, as opposed to focusing on a now long-expired and demonstrably false prophecy.

Aerithnu Yenroar