
Greetings, knowledge workers!

Our task this cycle is discern the nature of the societal changes resulting from the destruction of the Third Nova Generator, particularly the resulting Parallax Urgency as experienced on Viridia Prime. So much has happened since then that it can be difficult to understand the past without the bias of the present. I trust that you will put aside your own factional concerns and produce a harmonious and uncontroversial lexicon of these contested matters.

Our little game (as it were) has certain ground rules, with which I expect you are familiar; you may in any case find useful the following brief summary. We will begin researching the first segment (“A”) of knowledge immediately, with all submissions due by this Friday. Go forth and know!

Factually yours,
Thucydides Plutonium
(lic. know. #238-31337-3735928559)

The World

This is a spacefaring world, roughly how you might picture the 24th century if you’ve watched a lot of Star Trek or Babylon 5. Farscape is also a good point of reference. We’re in an alternate universe where the dominant species (at least in this corner of the galaxy) is human, but our origin is unspecified. There’s no planet Earth. It’s unspecified whether there are other sentient races. There’s no magic. It remains to be seen whether or not there’s sufficiently advanced technololgy. There’s faster-than-light travel, and I won’t quibble about relativistic paradoxes if you don’t.

The Game

Gameplay pretty much follows Neel Krishnaswami’s original concept, with the following changes:

  • We’re playing two rounds a week, ending Tuesday and Friday evenings. Round A will close on Friday, November 7. (After some experimentation we’ve more or less settled on one round a week, closing Sunday evenings.)
  • We won’t be terribly strict about the number of citations per article, although it’d be nice to have at least three. We’re going to try to adhere to the length limits Neel proposes. A good target is 150 words per article, with a discretionary limit of 200.

As the game gets off the ground, we’ll evolve various bookkeeping procedures. For now, please create a page for your entry and type some placeholder text as soon as you decide to write that entry, so that no one else will start working on a duplicate entry. In addition, whenever you create a reference to an as-yet unwritten entry, please add it to the Index.

Typically we don’t go back and edit our own or others’ entries after they’re posted, but there’s nothing wrong with fixing a typo or a markup error.

About This Site

In our advanced civilization it is assumed that every child can use a wiki, but if you haven’t used this particular implementation before, consult the MoinMoin documentation.