
The principal religion/philosophy of the Vermailian Confederacy, Eudaemonism was concerned with the fulfillment of each individual, rather than any large scale system of belief or worship. To the Vermailians, the path to Eudaemonia was self-development; every Vermailian (or, at least, members of the Zeiral caste) was expected to identify their greatest talents and develop them to the utmost.

As the influence of Arcturianism waned, a version of Eudaemonism began to spread beyond the Confederacy. The simple philosophy of self-realization gave more comfort in those uncertain times than the rituals of the church. The central tenant of Vermailian Eudaemonism, however, that this path of self-growth nourished a benevolent symbiotic spirit that would burst forth after death and lend mystical aid to the bearer’s family, gained only limited traction.

Heichner Kzolknov