Varen Ontoli

The youngest and final archprelate of the Arcturian Church, Varen Ontoli (5276–5361) served for twenty months, from his elevation in 5292 until the Church’s collapse in 5294. His elevation was controversial, with many claiming that the already-discredited Gar’tor’at Prophecy was again in error. During his brief reign, Ontoli attempted to eliminate Eudaemonic influences from the Conclave of Mek’ril. After the fall of the Church, he attempted to establish a new Hierarchy based in the Evyl Nebula where he was born, but his power base in the Council was demolished in the purge.

Ontoli now disappears from history for several decades; certain Bazrahin sources indicate that he lived among them for some time, and that he may have established a novel sort of rapport with the Nova Entity, modeled on the Ubraxas Contact. When he next appears on the world stage it is in 5349 as a parallax activist pushing for inclusion of the Returner agenda in Fiorsite’s Uniform Platform. He led one of the first Returns in 5353, and founded a prominent family in the Hermes Cluster.

Thucydides Plutonium