Evyl Nebula

The Evyl Nebula is a supernova remnant and synchrotron nebula formed by the corpse of the dead supergiant Asmodeus, and is still expanding quickly. The nebula was first sighted at 0 s.y.v.p., the light from there reaching the Viridian star system and bringing a great deal of light and radiation to the previously dark and cold worlds. It was then when Viridians began to develop xenotechnology and xenomathematics alike, heralding a new calendar and a new age of prosperity.

The nebula is home to the Vermailian Confederacy, the Omniscium Wherescape, and the Lanian Tribes. Research of the nebula’s expansion was used for developing the First Nova Generator, and the extreme levels of radiation make energy plentiful. However, most of the nebula’s planets are uninhabitable due to this, even with protective bubble shielding for colonists, and the inhabitants mostly make their homes on the outer edges of the nebula. Colonization is being planned inwards as conditions and terraforming technology improve.

X-imaging of the nebula shows a mist emerging from a giant, glowing, pulsing, purple eye.
