Gul Arcturis Spicu

The center of galaxy-wide Arcturianism for millennia, Gul Arcturis Spicu was also the third-largest city in Crilinka until its sack by No-Nothing extremists in 5294. According to local legend, Arcturia began preaching her prophecy in the wilderness, and the city was gradually built up by those who came to hear her message or sell souvenirs. (In historical times, a popular knickknack was a round ball said to model the Atrium of the Bkmma which, when shaken, displayed a minor prophecy such as “Outlook not so good” or “You are lucky! Segunda is full tonight.”)

During the commercial boom of the 5200s, Gul Arcturis Spicu’s opulence and extensive duorail system made it a popular target for magnetopirates, but such nuisances were easily dealt with by the judicious deployment of long-range degaussing canons developed by radiologists at the nearby capital, Orsinder. After the sack, Gul Arcturis Spicu became a bohemian enclave, and attracted a new prophet: for many years, the now-humble city was the residence of Duneel Fiorsite.

Thucydides Plutonium