
Also known as scourges, magnetopirates are the primary consumers of magnetic and pseudomagnetic energy in the galaxy. Modeled after the water pirates of the Ascacian Wastes, magnetopirates travel the galaxy in search of certain types of energy. Like the water pirates, the magnetopirates do not strictly consume magnetic energy for any particular purpose; they travel using the same technology that most beings use. Unlike the water pirates, where their peculiar lack of need for water resulted in no one knowing what they did with the water they stole, it is actually known why magnetopirates steal this energy.

Before being inducted into the Magnetopiratical Guild, each prospective magnetopirate takes an oath. This oath remained a secret for centuries, but was uncovered due to the heroic undercover infiltration by one Captain Logomere at the risk of his own life.

The oath of a magnetopirate:

  • I will treat each pulse of magnetic energy as sacred to the one true magnet.
  • I will never knowingly allow magnetic energy to be consumed for selfish, entropic desires.
  • I will never reveal this oath, unless by doing so I can save magnetic energy from being consumed.
  • I give myself to the one true magnet upon my death, if at all possible.
  • Zarlethihk can never be forgiven for what it has done.

From this oath, it is assumed that somewhere in the galaxy there is a massive electromagnet of some kind that is constantly being fed energy. Whether there is a purpose to this goal and whether the inevitable explosion of energy will destroy the universe has been the subject of several papers, none of them credible in the slightest.

Sarlin Corvaxis Fon