
A faunfloral species primarily located on Viridia Segunda but believed to have originated from deep space. It’s a commonly accepted fact that Greenlings have vastly superior intellectual and spirtual capacity than humans, but their botanical manifestations and peaceful nature limited territorial expansion. Most Greenlings detached during the White Flower Dreaming (s.y.v.p. 5280), but there’s evidence to suggest that both dormant and active Greenlings continue to live.

Most humans learn about Greenlings via B’shin, who understood Greenlings better than any human in history. Greenologists believe that B’shin’s later art, despite fundamental flaws, was born from his obsessive and desperate quest to Reconcile Being as Greenlings did.

In earlier ages, the Druniad representative garnered curiosity, praise, and ultimately animosity from mankind. Emmanuel Grippe, a former Baromite, urged the latter sentiment. His failed attempt to expel the Greenlings in 5243 s.y.v.p. most likley originated from a nearly psychotic inferiority complex, but it succeeded in further separating humans and Greenlings.

Humans do not know whether Greenlings believed in a literal Barometz, as human insight into Greenling religion is mostly obscured by early human cults. That Greenlings were deeply spiritual cannot be questioned. Greenologists avoid the term “religion” when referring to this spirituality due to subsequent objective analysis of White Flower Dreaming and the seemingly absolute knowledge that Greenlings possessed regarding the bloom.

For your benefit, -Mehkbom Leahker