
A memetic cycle created by B’shin that later became the foundation of a written form by the same name. Although decried by some as a hideous minimalist reduction of an immersive experience, the form became popular because of its ease of transmission and portability.

Flodyrion writings usually came in the form of poetry, and featured odd punctuation and grammar with a minimum of articles and conjunctions, meant to create an environment of sensory action overload without necessary intent on the part of the writer. This led to great frustration in academic analysis and debate of individual works. Literature departments would sometimes ban the study of such works altogether, but others had large departments that encouraged the penning of them in “creative writing” forums.

The poet Prethe-Sahrquar wrote in the work Displaced Pet Diodes:

and eaves without scent slice
ooze a red-falling utterance of mint
punch alas! bends separate
preys urge praise locked yylimium

Some believe this poem to be about the Nova Entity, an argument that continues to this day.
