Zone of Many Thousands

The Zone exists to appropriate the knowledge and desires of the universe in random time-and-correlation dream format, housed in thousands of Lanian-like crystalline sentient structures. Gaila Sek Tranh often compared the life-cycle of Zone denizens to the Flodyrion cycle, a rather sensible-sounding postulate when tracing the Zone’s ancestry back to the Greenlings before their Reconciliation, and Atar Querech’s life on Viridia Segunda giving rise to the art itself. (Sek Tranh also asserted that the Flodyrion cycle was the result of Querech’s unsuccessful attempt to Reconcile, the fragmented experience immersive but no longer overwhelming.

The most accepted origin story of the Zone remains that the Nova Entity regretted the harm done to its sister planet, and as a gesture of goodwill, created the Zone with a similarly evolved meta-consciousness, that its travails might not be forgotten so easily. As the need for more storage increases, gases from surrounding stars are appropriated to create new nodes, a practice currently of concern to several galactic governments.
