Parliament of Worlds

The Parliament of Worlds was formed by four major powers:
Omniscium Wherescape, Almnetic Empire, Ctjn Empire, and the Vermailian Confederacy.
Many people objected to the vast concentration of power in so few, but
overall, the Parliament succeeded in bringing order to even the furthest
reaches of known space.

Rasuium Rasuios was persuaded to create the Endotian Calendar, which then formally
opened year 2500. Since then, many different edicts were set, and
where authority was required, the Parliament stepped in, sometimes to local discontent.

However much Estyria objected to its forcible entry or the
Intoan roots of two of its founding members caused conflict with others (the
Vermailian Confederacy objected strenuously to any edicts praising or
even acknowledging Intoan greatness), the Parliament managed to successfully
work its authority into every nook of where it claimed dominion.

After its dissolution during the Zintrag Wars of 6999, the Parliament reformed on its 4500’th anniversary,
silent on any reasons or explanations as to what had

Elgani Bariarch claimed responsibility for the sudden destruction and
reconstruction of the Parliament (now without Viridia). It is clear, however, from
every direct recounting of those events, and the fact that he was millenia dead at the time, that the only true reasons are hidden by those who witnessed it

Sarlin Corvaxis Fon