Duskstar Citadel

Construction giant Planet Maker’s ill-fated planetary defense mobilization facilitator. The Duskstar Citadel, unlike other Arcological constructions, housed military personnel and defense weaponry. In 5244 s.y.v.p., 5 years after the Citadel’s completion, gravitational and orbital stresses effected the “unraveling,” a year-long process to evacuate and dismantle the massive orbiter.

Planet Maker first proposed the Duskstar Citadel after a visit from guest speaker Voron Belthaszar. Its president, Flouter Needman, recognized the business opportunity in merging Belthaszar’s theories, societal fear, and the military’s finances. Nearly all of the costs for the construction and dismantling fell upon the Parliament of Worlds. This resulted in a massive shift in Planet Maker’s influence on Viridia Prime, as it ranked second in financial holdings after the Parliament.

Declassified documents, released in 5273 s.y.v.p., revealed information about new military technology codenamed Wailing Daughters. The Parliament has discredited all arguments suggesting that the construction and subsequent dismantling of the Duskstar Citadel were in any way anticipated; or that project Wailing Daughters existed.

For your benefit, -Mehkbom Leahker