Genevieve Floyd

Genevieve Floyd was the daughter of the Viktor Floyd, Emperor of Ctjn during the Lesser Stillness. Perhaps she was also Captain Logomere’s lover.

Truth be told, we know little about her. She never married, and not long after the outbreak of the Mind Plague, Emperor Floyd issued a raging public statement declaring her a traitor. He held his hands aloft and declared that The Empire would never end, and that the light of Byforalla would reflect across the whole of Viridia Prime and into the very depths of space itself. Genevieve stood behind him calmly, flanked by two guards with hand-held Neutron Lasers. She looked brilliant in a purple dress—the great beauty of her age. Her black hair streamed freely in the wind.

We now know that Emperor Floyd had fallen victim to Fangalexia addiction, but for years he remained the figurehead of the government. Was Genevieve the secret engine behind the Ctjn Empire during his insanity, or was it someone else?

Lance Malloran