
b. N/A, d. N/A (?)

M701-CL048 was/is the Omniscium Wherescape’s designated proxile to the Viridian system’s four-dimensional spacetime worm and deputy curator of the Viridian wing of the Uncyclopedia Panoptica. It was in this capacity that M701 would be drawn into the struggle to save Viridia from informational collapse, a crisis it first discovered after it appeared to misplace the Balloonists’ War [formerly 2130–2137 s.y.v.p.], only to discover on closer inspection that the event had now never taken place. A more careful survey revealed both the High Viridian Republic [formerly founded ca. 2870] and the Xoulic Free States [f.f. 2652] to have vanished as well, replaced by a growing Ctjn Empire, and leading M701 to the realization that the local timeline’s native data was being corrupted, displaced and extinguished by a wave of massive event pollution from the future.

An ardent conservationist, M701 would spend the bulk of its tenure attempting to salvage what it could of the system’s datalines as native information was overwhelmed by a series of invasive temporal un-entities and ripple-effects. Its daunting task was complicated by lack of access to the pollution’s source1 and resistance from corporeal authorities, who often failed to appreciate the gravity of chronal dislocation. Operating on its own and lacking a native’s familiarity with linear time, M701’s attempts to repair local history invariably met with mixed results: its assassination of Dula Jyrexil in 5271 accomplished little, for instance, as it had confused the moment of Jyrexil’s death with that of her birth, while its well-intentioned vaporization of Herbert and Eleanor Logomere in 5221 came too late to do much good.

As local spacetime became hopelessly overgrown with informational kudzu, M701 became convinced of the need to delete the sector entirely before it came to threaten the wider continuum, a measure that might have succeeded had a past-instance of M701 not arrived to disperse and reabsorb its future counterpart as part of a previous counter-pollution effort.

In a recent interview, M701 conceded that its efforts had been/would be futile from the start, as the continuum had mutated beyond recognition before the Omniscii even arrived. Over 87% of potential datalogical entities from 1779 s.y.v.p. onward went extinct in the process; the now-never-existent include the Knowbodies, the Oneironauts, the Inverted City of Else, and Viridia Quartus along with its Singing World.

1 The Wherescape has typically lacked jurisdiction over Hermes Cluster, where chronological deregulation remains one of the area’s longstanding socio-economic traditions.

Recorder 3000-21