
Five millennia ago, a collection of documents were found deep within the Ascacian Wastes. The discoverers assumed that the documents were a translation of the Gar’tor’at Prophecy, and they spent little time verifying the assumption. Dead languages from dead zones did not make headlines in an era of great economic and technological growth.

After sitting in libraries for centuries, a young Dula Jyrexil stumbled upon the documents in Miakovos-Pameka. She studied them obsessively outside of work. Her selection of the documents from the archives of a grand library in an academic stronghold remains a watershed moment in science. Aside from archaeological gems describing The Sixteen, whose ancient members notoriously protect their history, the documents contained Vullserg.

Vullserg is a psychokinestheological treatise of the Dust Men and the only Dust Men artifact discovered. Dula’s history and focused study doubtlessly contributed to her incredible intellect and scientific contributions, though she never spoke of Vullserg. In popular culture, where most of this history was captured, Vullserg inspired a new age of superstition and angel worship.

No verifiable evidence connects the Dust Men to the Omniscium Wherescape.

For your benefit, -Mehkbom Leahker