Juvi Juice

It is unclear why anyone would voluntarily drink an unknown glowing iridescent liquid which has been classified as medicinal waste, but in 5282, someone1 did. In the 17 years since the Eloi Farms had been shut down (having been rendered useless by the activation of the Second Nova Generator a year earlier), the neural tissue grown there had fermented, and the Justapol Vinban Waste Disposal Corporation was contracted to clean up the mess. The cleanup operation was halted when Juvi Juice Inc. (whose founders consisted primarily of members of the original Justapol Vinban cleanup team) offered to buy the farms as-is. Two years later, the first corner Juvi Juice shop opened.

Juvi Juice quickly became a sensation. New flavors were introduced, but the original “Ranbow” flavor was always the most popular. The drink itself had a mildly addictive quality and occasional left consumers reporting that they had missed important deadlines as days or weeks had slipped by without them noticing. In spite of (or perhaps because of) the “side effects”, its popularity grew, with new stores opening everywhere.

Unfortunately for the investors, Juvi Juice soon became a victim of its own success. The long fermenting time was essential to the production process. The initial batch of juice was sufficient for the early growth of the company, but within a decade, it was all gone. The second and subsequent batches had far less time to ferment, and the quality was simply inferior. Its popularity waned, and in 5308, Juvi Juice Inc. filed for bankruptcy.

1 According to their marketing department, this person was named “Mikey”, hence their slogan “Mikey likes it!”

Aerithnu Yenroar