Twin Sisters

Known as the Twin Sisters, the Fantos and Saljeem galaxies of the Rodzent group appear to dance in the night skies of the Viridian system.

Each galaxy’s irregular form resembles a maiden with arms outstretched before her. While mere specks to the naked eye, telescopes clearly display the galaxies which are roughly 3 million light years away.

The Twin Sisters are unique in that they revolve around a common object and share a common orbit in which they’re diametrically opposed. This orbit, with the galaxies moving at an incredible 4.712tm/s, occurs over 150 Viridian years. It’s not understood how these galaxies accumulated nor how they sustain such incredible velocities.

Because the sisters spin in a revolution perceivable in a human lifetime, they represent a font of hope. Their endless dance goes on despite conflict, poverty, and tragedy. They also represent mortality and the ever changing nature of life, as each sister arrives at her opposite in roughly one lifetime.

At one time, Arcologists obsessed over the possibility that the galaxies were born from an advanced civilization’s galactic engineering project. This short-lived interest passed unresolved with the Mania.

For your benefit, -Mehkbom Leahker