Murder the First

Extraordinary times demand ludicrous and yet savory measures. Where’s the oregano?

Colloquially known as Murder the First, Regicide-King, the autocrat Alamiranatha Ovoidoza Takeuchi Lee Viswanathanatel was born in Mzur of the Ctjn Empire in 5270, studying history, the Universal Way, and probably subversion as well as several martial arts, including but not limited to Starlight Starsnare, Orochi White Devil, and Flying Brass Monkey Style. He also received several years of psychiatric treatment.

A combination of force of will, sheer insanity, bribery of corrupt officials, and a hostile takeover of the computer systems in the Empire led to a rapid changing of regime. Murder and his loyal students assumed power in 5301, immediately televising the creative murder via Insufficient Discipline Purgation of members of the Love Junta to instill terror and wonder among the populace. Watching over most of the Parallax Urgency, he kept numerous flowcharts detailing an orderly exodus displayed prominently in his office, spinning off the old Ctjn bureaucracy into a corporation he could vilify, calling his new kingdom the Joyous Harmonious Viridian Kingdom.

Takeuchi Lee Viswanathanatel died 5358 of cancer, and his successor was Murder the Second, or Martine Beaumont, a developer and practitioner of the Kundo Maga art, a pacifist who had dabbled in Zeroism in her youth.
