Kalipmon Crater

The location of the illustrious Elsoni Starsnare, the Kalipmon Crater was created by an ill-advised attempt by unknown forces at an unknown time with an unknown goal. No one has ever written down even a theory as to when the crater came into existence, and it is described in no prophecies, scientific journals, and is not even a topic in “Ancient Geological Formations of the Viridian Planets”, a class at the Protheon Institute for Higher Thought. There are books written on the topic of why, precisely, some craters are left completely without discussion, though these books oddly seem to never mention the Kalipmon Crater by name.

As far as research can determine, the Kalipmon Crater has existed for the entire time the planet it is on has existed, or was brought into existence at some later date, and no one has ever attempted to learn about its origins.

No Yylimium has ever been discovered in the Kalipmon Crater, and miners in the region have more or less ignored it, as has everyone else.

Sarlin Corvaxis Fon