
Humans use the term “illbreed” for any child of human and cross-species breeding. Adult cross-species creatures are called “equallaries.”

Illbreeds have been the topic of fierce ethical debate in Viridia for millennia. The term “illbreed” originated from the Chemists’ Guild’s early medical bioengineering endeavors around 4460 s.y.v.p. The Guild attempted to infuse humans with Bazrahin regenerative exoskeletal armor. The guild never achieved its objective, though it gained extensive knowledge of genetics and a family of 500 diverse Bazrahin illbreeds. Nearly concurrently, interstellar evolution led to Mind’s Eye and natural illbreeds.

Legally speaking, illbreeds/equallaries have all of the rights of a human. Psychologically, they face tremendous challenges. They account for less than 0.5% of Viridians, so it is difficult to socialize, and their selection of mates is an even smaller population. While their human traits may be common, the varying “alien” pair makes it difficult for cross-species empathy—e.g. they mature in unique age ranges.

Among humans, illbreeds are treated as novelties and equallaries are distrusted. It speaks volumes that society perpetuates the terms “illbreed” and “equallary.” Cross-species relationships rarely succeed with reproductive or rearing costs straining families.

Religious texts have little to say about illbreeds.

For your benefit, -Mehkbom Leahker