
The Postfuturist Project, the outgrowth of many years' excursions with and engagement in nontraditional artistic media, is an effort to understand the implications for media culture of the phenomenon of the "future". In the belief that digital technology represents the promise of liberation to those restricted, encapsulated, and imbricated within the post-colonial constructions of modern normative societal "values", undermining the hegemonic binary of subject/object through the liberatory binary of 1/0, we hope to expose and problematize the very existence of such binaries in our cultural record; it is the machine as mirror, ironically reflecting precisely those "objective", reductionist constructions which are radically questioned by critical artistic texts. The following technological encodings, then, comprise not a mere translation of lived experience into the mechanical realm, but a complete reconceptualization and reinterpretation of the mind/machine dialectic.

  Visual texts   Literary texts   Critical texts
Established in 1995, the Postfuturist Project is currently a collaboration between artists at Brown University in Providence, RI and the University of California at Berkeley.

Visit the PFP webmaster's page Last modified 9/30/00